Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This past week or so I have come to realize what an extraordinary blessing the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been in my life. Some of you may or may not have heard about the newlywed couple killed in a drunk driving accident last Friday in Omaha on 144th and Q. The woman killed, Jessica Lutton Bendiet, was the older sister of a girl who graduated a year before me. She had severe brain injuries obstained from the crash, and her husband went from ICU to trauma within a few days, but is now not doing so well again, and is in the ICU. Even though I didn't directly know Jessica, my heart went out to her and her family.

I am so blessed to know that her family will once again see Jessica, and Tony, if that is what happens in the next few days. I am blessed to know that families can be together forever. And that even though Jessica was not able to receive the Gospel here on earth in her 26 years, that while she is in the Spirit World, she is able to hear it and embrace it. The memorial/visitation was last night and my brother, his girlfriend and I went and it was a very interesting service. It was at a catholic church, and was a prayer service. The pastor said a bunch of prayers and the members in attendance there would repeat them. It felt...empty. Like it was just words being repeated and said because that is what they are suppose to do after a death.

I am grateful for the Savior and for the opportunities that I have had while being here on this earth, and the opportunities that I will still receive.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Could life really be any better?

Well, it's been awhile since anyone has posted, and I'm feeling especially grateful today plus I have sooo much to be thankful for!

I have GREAT friends who help me in many ways
I'm beginning to get in shape
I have a great job that is helping me prepare for motherhood and financially for my mission
I have my health
I have the gospel
I have a wonderful family--soon to add a sister-in-law
I have everything I need and more..
(the list could keep going...but I've got to start work!)

Quote from a signing time song
"If you have what you need, then forget what you want. We don't have it all, but we got la la la la la la loooove. We got la la la la la love!"

I've got what I need and a lot of what I want! Life is grand! :D

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's the simple things in life...

I have to tell you, I've been a little humbled lately. Living in a hotel because your apt doesn't have hot water or heat, and having your car heater braking down around the same time, does something to a person. Especially during the time of the year in Rexburg when the HIGH doesn't get in the double digits. There's something about coming home and not being able to take your coat off because it's so cold in your apt. Then, turing on the water and having ice cold water run over your already frost bitten hands. And finally, getting in your car and having cold air blowing you in the face.
I have to say, I'm SO grateful for heat!!!! We really are spoiled in this day and age and I really am grateful for the modern convienences that we do have! Because when they fail us, life just isn't quite as comfortable and enjoying as we like!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friends, hot chocolate, and the temple :)

So, last night my roommate said something that really offended me. I was really upset about the fact that she would say something like she did and was pretty much ready to curl up in a ball on my bed and mope for the rest of the night. But instead I decided I needed to get out of the house. I finished up the dishes (from 2 days, that didn't help my mood) and left the apartment without another word. I didn't really know where I was going. I hadn't decided if I wanted to talk to someone or just walk alone. I finally decided to go see Jared (one of my good friends here in Rexburg) I texted him to make sure he was home and then we went to the park! We sat on the swing for a little while and didn't really say much, then a girl I knew walked past and we talked for a few minutes, and by that point my butt hurt from the swings and it was cold, so Jared and I started walking again. I still hadn't figured out what I wanted to say and it probably took another 5 minutes before I was finally able to talk about why I was so upset. Anyway so we started talking about it and then went and got some hot chocolate and decided to go to the temple grounds to help me calm down a little bit more :) It was very nice! I'm grateful he took the time to calm down and make me feel better. I'm so grateful to have people to go talk to when I get upset. I'm also grateful for the spirit that can be felt in the presence of the temple! It's such a blessing to live so close to one! Anyway, since it's been forever since I've posted on here I decided I would share how grateful I am for friends, they are so wonderful :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Power of prayer

All my life revolves around is: Psychology, Counseling, Topics in music, algebra and composition english. But, I did have something exciting happen today! I had psychology midterm (which I think I did OK on, but nothing too spectacular) and so I studied my butt off for that instead of Topics in Music test. Anyway, I took a test in my Topics In Music class on Thursday and was for sure that I was going to bomb it because I studied for maybe maybe Five minutes...if that. I somehow pulled a B out of it. =] Awww- the power of prayer

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The example of others!

I don't know why, but I just have to share what's on my mind right now. I figured that this should go in the grateful blog because I really am SO grateful!! Plus, I'm really bad at writing on here!
So, I work with two boys who are bed bound. They can't move except for some facial expressions, and minimal movement in their fingers and toes. Because of this, they are completely dependent on others for EVERYTHING!!! If there eyebrow itches, they can't scratch it. The other day, one of them wrote a note to all of his friends on facebook. He has to use the keyboard that you can bring up on your computer screen to type. It took him three hours! But I'm so grateful for the precious time he took to write it. He talked about his life and different things. He never once complained! He said his life has been hard, but no complaining at all! One part that really stood out to me is when he said, "I know that God has a plan for me."
I'm so grateful that he knows that!! I've had conversations with him before, and he has told me how sometimes he wished he could do things that everyone else can do such as walk, run, and jump. He has also said that he knows that someday he will be able to do those things.
Isn't the Atonement amazing!!!! Because of the ressurection, this sweet boy will one day know what it's like to run, and move, and even be able to give someone a hug! This made me think of the things that I want in my life. He made me realize that even if I don't receive all the blessings that I "want" in this life, I am PROMISED them in the next. The Lord has given all of us the same blessings, but he never said when those blessings will come, and each of us will receive them at different times and in different ways. I hope that all of you know as this boy knows that God has a plan for you. And whatever that plan may be, the Lord will help each of us through that plan as long as we are willing to do His will.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It all works out...

It has been way too long since I have posted on here, and I'm sort of having a rough night, sooo here I go!
I have realized how blessed I am in my life. I have the gospel, I have family and friends who love me, I have the opportunity to attend the Lord's university to study, learn and grow. It's not only a secular knowledge but a spiritual knowledge as well. I love being here at BYU-Idaho. I also look forward to the new adventures I will be taking after this semester ends. The Lord has blessed me so much. I have been unsuccessful in finding a job, but as I start this semester it may be a blessing in disguise. My classes are going to be time demanding and fairly difficult. I have faith in the Lord that He will deliver me and help me through each of my days, so long as I rely on Him and keep Him first in my life. I'm grateful for the knowledge I have of the true gospel and I know that no matter how down or frustrated I get, He loves me and I know things will work out in the end.